Chocolate Tahini Shake with Emma Apin aka. Sunflower Citizen

Emma Apin, who you may also know as @sunflowercitizen over on Instagram creates the most delicious creations. She's a writer, animal lover and plant-based coeliac who enjoys eating almond butter out of the jar. Don't we all?!

Emma has very kindly created three gorgeous recipes for us to share with you:

The Best Black Bean Brownies Ever

Raw Snickers Slice 

Chocolate Tahini Shake

Thanks for sharing these with us Emma. We love you. 

Jen xx 

PS. You can find more of Emma's tasty creations over on her Instagram account @sunflowercitizen.

Naked Paleo Blog Recipe Chocolate Tahini Shake Sunflower Citizen Emma Apin

Chocolate Tahini Shake

Makes 2 shakes

GF, DF, vegan


2 tbsp cacao (I prefer Loving Earth)

2 tbsp tahini (I prefer Mayver’s)

2 tbsp rice malt syrup (I prefer Pure Harvest)

10 ice cubes

500ml filtered water (or if you want something creamier you can use 2 cups of coconut milk)

1 tsp mesquite (I prefer Loving Earth)

1-2  tbsp cacao nibs (I prefer Absolute Organic)

Naked Paleo Blog Recipe Chocolate Tahini Shake Sunflower Citizen Emma Apin


Blend all the ingredients together except for the cacao nibs.

Pour into two glasses.

Top with an extra dusting of cacao powder and some cacao nibs.

Naked Paleo Blog Recipe Chocolate Tahini Shake Sunflower Citizen Emma Apin

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